Tubal Patency Assessment (HyCoSy)

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Tubal Patency Assessment (HyCoSy) is performed to investigate infertility.

You should not have the procedure if there is a chance of being pregnant or you have acute pelvic infection or unexplained pelvic tenderness which may be due to pelvic inflammatory disease.

This technique is used to detect abnormalities of the uterus, the endometrium and fallopian tubes for tubal blockage.

A pelvic assessment is performed prior to the HyCoSy procedure.

Prior to the examination, the sonographer who will assist the specialist with ultrasound guidance, will explain the procedure to you. You will have the opportunity to ask any questions prior to the procedure being performed.

Preparation for Tubal Patency Assessment (HyCoSy).

The procedure is performed between days 5 - 10 of the menstrual cycle, day 1 being the first day of your menstrual period. If you have irregular or infrequent periods the timing should be discussed with your doctor or with us prior to making a booking.

It is associated with some discomfort although HyCoSy is probably less uncomfortable than HSG as the fluid injected (saline or Definity contrast solution) is less irritant than the radio-opaque dye used in HSG. 

In some cases, patients may experience some pelvic discomfort. We suggest you take 2 analgesic tablets such as Naprogesic an hour before the procedure.

Normal symptoms you may experience after the procedure:

  • Light bleeding or discharge - please use panty liners rather than tampons
  • Light period cramping

Abnormal symptoms you may experience after the procedure:

  • Foul smelling discharge
  • High fever - over 38 degrees celcius

If you experience any of the abnormal symptoms, please contact your GP or the specialist who performed this examination.


  • Fertility
