Growth & Well-being Examination
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Your doctor may request this examination in order to monitor the baby’s growth and well-being or to follow up from any of the previous examinations that may have been performed.
This examination is usually performed from 23 weeks gestation.
Some of the reasons for requesting a scan at this stage would be:
- If your baby is small or large for dates
- If you have been diagnosed with gestational diabetes
- If you are carrying twins
- If you have reduced fetal movements
At this stage of the pregnancy it is also important to:
- check the position of your placenta
- check your cervical length
Depending on the position of the baby we can sometimes obtained 3D/4D images, however sometimes visibility may be limited due to baby being much larger towards the end of the pregnancy.
Face 3D 3T
Umbilical Artery Doppler Waveform
Head Circumference Chart
Cervical length